For those of you who don't know, Steph and I (mainly Steph) are 14 1/2 weeks pregnant. Things are going great!! I say that b/c every morning Steph says hello to the beautiful world by throwing up on it. It really stinks for her, but it lets us know that the baby is developing just as it should. In two days we go for the 15th week checkup, and then the next appointment we should find out the sex.
As for names, we had no problem picking those out. It is a boy we are going with Jackson Taylor (not J.T. or Jack so don't work on ways to shorten it!) If it's a girl we are set of Taylor Alexis. Jackson is my grandpa's middle name and Taylor is Steph's great-grandparents last name. Alexis is just for fun.
If you are reading this and are a praying person, be sure to include Steph in your prayers to get to feeling better, and pray for a healthy little one!! I just hope it is not a boy to pay me back for all the hyperactivity that I once gave my parents, and now give Steph.
Monday, June 09, 2008
SORRY.....Great News (but a little late)
Posted by Blake and Steph at 9:14 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Click on the new ones to see them upclose!!
Before After - shrubs gone, door and shutters painted, nandinas instead of yews and boxwoods.
Here's the flowers dad brought up last year. They all came back up, I just have to learn how to transplant them.
Little dogwood and four knockout rose bushes. Can't decide if I want to edge the roses in and make a flower bed there or just keep em the way the are and mow around.
Posted by Blake and Steph at 9:43 AM 1 comments
Little closer pic of the front porch w/ nandinas in front with the welcome sign. That's a Magnolia Alto in the left corner. Blogger is struggling to upload photos, hopefully the others will come up soon.
Posted by Blake and Steph at 9:29 AM 0 comments