Posted by Blake and Steph at 9:48 AM 0 comments
Posted by Blake and Steph at 4:18 PM 0 comments
So, I'm thinking this little puppy is in for a rude awakening when little Miss Taylor arrives! What do you think? And yes, this is how he spends the majority of his time when we are home... either in a lap or on his back getting a belly rub! Can you say "Spoiled Rotten"!!!!!
Posted by Blake and Steph at 8:40 AM 0 comments
I think I watched my belly grow this weekend! Taylor is definitely getting bigger!! Here are the latest pictures!
Posted by Blake and Steph at 10:20 AM 0 comments
For some reason, this weekend was a lazy one for us! We did get up early both mornings for different things, but by noon, we were all napping for most of the afternoon! It was a very nice weekend just to chill and relax. Here is a picture of the puppy enjoying our laziness as well! He spent most of the evening Sunday in the glider curled up in a blanket. I tried to catch him asleep, but he woke up when I tried to take the picture. Oh well, he is still cute!!
Posted by Blake and Steph at 10:13 AM 0 comments
I guess I should update everyone on my experience at the doctor yesterday. I did my glucose test again and made it through the whole hour no problem! I didn't even get nauseous or light-headed. I really believe my bad experience last week was due to my major coughing fit (which I am over, by the way). Blake came by and sat with me for about 30 minutes to keep me company so the time would go by faster, and I made a couple phone calls while I was waiting as well. They did let me go sit outside since I was only there for labs. I sat in my car with the windows rolled down, which was less intimidating to me than the waiting room. The worst part of the whole day was when they were drawing my blood. The guy did not seem very "confident" when he was taking me back to the lab, so I was already nervous. He didn't get it on the first try (even after moving the needle around in my arm), so he had to try again! I was not feeling well on the second try and thought he was going to be picking me up off the floor, but I made it. (My arm is bruised pretty good today, though). Once we got through that, they ran my test, and I passed! No 3 hour test for me!! Needless to say, I was very relieved to have all of that behind me! Thank you to everyone who was praying me through yesterday! It was a good day!
Posted by Blake and Steph at 2:50 PM 0 comments
Here are a couple pictures of our sweet puppy sitting in one of his favorite spots. Isn't he so cute??
Posted by Blake and Steph at 8:52 AM 0 comments
Here are a couple pictures of the chair rail up and finished! Scroll down a couple posts to the nursery pictures. Blake added some better pictures of the chair rail to that post. The last picture here is of Taylor's closet! She has so many clothes already thanks to our wonderful family!!
Posted by Blake and Steph at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Here are the latest belly pictures! These were taken Friday night, so I was 27 weeks and 1 day! I'm starting to notice it getting bigger, and it is getting harder to bend over to do stuff! I know that will get worse as we go on. Only 12 and 1/2 weeks until our due date! Its getting closer!!!
Posted by Blake and Steph at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Who knew this little bottle could be so scary?!?! I had my 27 week Doctor's appointment yesterday and had to do the Glucose Tolerance Test. They give you this little bottle of liquid to drink and make you wait an hour then draw your blood. I had heard that the stuff was nasty, so I wasn't looking forward to it one bit, but had no idea what I was in for! My drink was actually clear and lemon-lime flavored, which wasn't too bad. It just tasted like a flat sprite, so I wasn't too concerned about it. Well, 20 minutes into it, things did not go well. I began having a major coughing fit due to the cold I've been fighting this week. Once you have the drink, you cannot have water or anything (like a cough drop) until they draw your blood. I tried to fight through it, but I was coughing so hard I was gagging (which is not a good combination). The lemon-lime liquid decided it wasn't going to stay and made an appearance all over me in the waiting room! After that, it was all over, and I couldn't keep any of it down. So, now, I get to go take the test again on Tuesday. I'm doing everything I can to get myself better and over the coughing so I do not have a "repeat performance". I'm already really nervous for that one hour! I don't even care that they are going to draw my blood (I hate needles)! So, you know I'm pretty worked up!
In better news, the rest of my appointment was great! Taylor's heartbeat was 150 (good and strong is what the doctor said) and everything is going great with me! I'm a tad bit on the small side as far as my measurements go, but they have assured me that plus or minus 2 is normal, and I'm only minus 1. Blake is convinced that means I will deliver a week late (let's all pray that is not correct)! Taylor continues to move all the time! I was really concerned about this part of the pregnancy. For some reason, I thought it would be too weird to feel something moving around inside me, but I have to say, it is the best feeling in the world! I was up most of the night last night coughing, and she moved a lot of the time I was awake. Even though I knew I needed to sleep, and I was getting annoyed at all the coughing, I layed there watching my belly and enjoying every little kick and punch. I feel like it is such a bonding time for us!
Fortunately, we will not be on the road this weekend, so I'm planning several naps to catch up on sleep and try to feel better. In between naps, I'm hoping to get some organizing done around the house to get prepared for little miss Taylor's arrival! Only 13 weeks!! Can you believe it has gone so fast?! I'm also planning on getting some more pictures posted, so check back soon for some nursery and belly pics! I hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing weekend!
Posted by Blake and Steph at 11:17 AM 30 comments